
According to the EJF Statutes, the Federation is non-lucrative. The financial support comes from three different sources:
  1. The sale of licenses (CHF 40.- per new license)
  2. The sale of the annual stamp (CHF 20.- per year)
  3. The eventual profits from seminars that are given back to the EJF Treasurer

The financial policy of the EJF is as follows: training in Jôdô should never be slowed down by financial considerations. In the case where someone finds it difficult to pay his/her dues (comparatively quite modest) arrangements are always possible. As far as the teaching staff is concerned, the EJF has a quite clear policy: an EJF teacher has to train regularly and participate in the majority of the European and international seminars. Because of his heavy investment in time and energy, the qualified EJF teacher is entitled to modest advantages.

Payment for the European Jodo Federation

Through a bank

Banque Cantonale de Fribourg

Account: BCF
IBAN: CH86 0076 8300 1169 0650 4
Fédération Européenne de Jodo
p/a Barbara Meroni
Chemin de Chien-Boeuf 1
CH-1304 Cossonay

Don't use the old accounts that we had at UBS!