Teaching structures
An EJF teacher is chosen by the EJF Technical Board. The President of the Technical Board proposes a name and discusses the pros and cons with the members of the Technical Board (all qualified teachers). Although the President has the power of decision, he will take into account the various reactions of the Technical Commission members. This may lead to postponing one promotion, or accelerating another. In order to preserve compatibility with the International J�d� Federation (IJF), the EJF Technical Board submits its proposal to the IJF Technical Board during an international seminar (every three years). A teacher qualified by the EJF is automatically recognized by the IJF.
The choice of a candidate is based upon definite criteria:
- 1. The candidate must have at least 10 years regular training in Jô.
- 2. His technical abilities must be better than average.
- 3. In case the candidate practises other disciplines, the accent put on Jô must be obvious.
- 4. The candidate must conform to the technical decisions of the Technical Board.
- 5. The candidate is requested to intensify his investment in Jô, particularily concerning his participation in European, international and local seminars.
- 6. Important point: the candidate must be mature, possess an easy human contact and show enough personal discipline to inspire trust from others.
- 7. Finally, the candidate must be holder of a 2nd degree in EJF Jô at least.
The President of the EJF Technical Board has the right to promote to non-official teaching level practitionners who cannot fulfill the above conditions because of their time commitment in other disciplines. This choice is dictated by the fact that these persons organize many seminars and that they are very well placed to promote the EJF style of training.
Currently, these persons are:
- Malcolm Tiki Shewan Sensei
- Mr. Floréal Perez
- Mr. Dominique Pierre
- Mr. Jaff Raji
The above persons are not only confirmed Jô practitionners, but, due to their important position in other disciplines, they are used to conducting seminars with sufficient authority. However, they are not entitled to give grades superior to Nikkyô. Concerning more specific technical details, they will have to refer to a qualified teacher.
Group leaders
In today's context, the EJF has neither the structure nor the means to ensure qualified teaching in all the areas member of the Federation. The consequence of this is that some isolated practitionners who would like to found a local group have no choice but to give a certain form of teaching to keep practising. This is far from being an ideal situation, but it is better than doing nothing at all. These possible future teachers are closely supported by the EJF and are encouraged to participate in as many seminars as possible with their students. Their task is not an easy one for their teaching is constantly put back into question in these seminars and, once back to their own Dôjô, they often have to enter in contradiction with what they had said a week before.
Technical responsible per country
There was a time when I could control all the members of the EJF and decide who should be graded. With the years and the development of the EJF, I lost that control and I am afraid to forget somebody, being unjust. So we decided in 2017 to name a responsible person for each country. Some of the responsible persons might have, during an undetermined period, several countries under their control. The role of these persons is to be in touch with the teaching staff of the EJF to propose people of their country for grades or integration to Seiryukai-Europe. These decisions should be taken only after consulting all the teachers of the country concerned.
Pascal Krieger, Technical Commission Director
- Czech Republic: Patrik Orth
- Denmark: Michael Söderkvist
- Finland: Nino Lindström
- France: Gilles Tache
- Germany: Uwe Geiser
- Hungary: Jozsef Katona
- Italy: Lorenzo Trainelli
- Netherlands: Jan Gerrit Post
- Portugal: José Luis Latasa
- Québec: Daniel Cailleux
- Russia: At present, Patrik Orth
- Slovakia: At present, Patrik Orth
- Spain: José Luis Latasa
- Sweden: Michael Söderkvist
- Switzerland: Pascal Krieger
- Ukraine: At present, Patrik Orth
Fédération Européenne de Jodo / European Jodo Federation